寶盛證券(香港)有限公司(Monex Boom Securities (H.K.) Limited)於1997年在香港成立,證監會中央編號:AEF808,為亞洲首間為零售投資者提供環球網上證券交易服務的券商。發展至今,我們服務的個人及機構客戶遍佈世界各地、超過90個國家和地區。
2010年,寶盛證券成為了國際金融集團摩乃科斯(Monex Group, Inc.)的全資附屬公司。得到在日本上市的母公司全力支持下,寶盛證券的資本實力獲得飛躍提升。
寶盛證券的母公司摩乃科斯(Monex Group, Inc.)(東京證券交易所上市代號:8698)是日本的領先金融機構,全球各地擁有逾百萬名客戶,托管資產超過三千億港元*,旗下金融機構及辦事處遍及全球。
* 資料來源:摩乃科斯截至2017年3月31日全年業績,數據截至2017年6月28日。
"Hong Kong-based Boom.com is an easy-to-use online brokerage that specializes in East Asian trades. But there is no equivalent to Boom.com for most other regions of the developing world."
- Abraham Riesman(記者at http://online.wsj.com)
寶盛證券 - 最受MoneyWeek讀者歡迎的本地獨立經紀平台
In Hong Kong, the most popular broker with MoneyWeek readers appears to be local independent MONEX BOOM. This offers Australia, Chinese B shares, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and the U.S., all online.
- Cris Sholto Heaton(記者at http://moneyweek.com)
One excellent broker – Monex Boom Securities – has an online platform that allows you to trade most Asian markets seamlessly in real time, right from a computer ... through a multicurrency account, giving you the best prices and execution in real time on these exchanges.
- Karim Rahemtulla(分析部主管 - 能源行業 at http://www.wallstreetdaily.com/)
I am very happy about You Guys since you guys are always kind, quick, reliable and professional.
F. Parenti (來自意大利)
I have to say that every single interaction with boom is just a pleasure - I really appreciated your flexibility and your focus on getting things done in the most customer friendly manner!!!! you are quite a role model for the financial services industry!!
I just wanted to take a moment to let you know at MONEX BOOM that I have been very satisfied with your services since joining MONEX BOOM last year. Your website is very well set-up, easy to use and my transactions have been put through promptly.
D. Macdonald(來自英國)
I have experience of 3 other platforms. One was good, one mediocre, and one terrible! MONEX BOOM is far and away the easiest, simplest to understand, and the very best for efficiency and service: superb.
J. Harms(來自美國)
I want to thank you for your responsive customer service over the past 1.5 years I had been with MONEX BOOM. Personally I feel that your company, MONEX BOOM has done a good job...
Chi Howe(來自新加坡)